Thursday 1 March 2018

child labour cinsequences

Consequences of child labour

Children are exposed to accidental and other injuries at work. They should thus be protected to prevent social, economic and physical harm, which persist to affect them during their lifetime. Such injuries include1 :
  • General child injuries and abuses like cuts, burns and lacerations, fractures, tiredness and dizziness, excessive fears and nightmares.
  • Physical abuse that involve corporal punishment, emotional maltreatment such as blaming, belittling, verbal attacks, rejection, humiliation and bad remarks.
  • Emotional neglect such as deprivation of family love and affection, resulting in loneliness, and hopelessness.
  • Physical neglect like lack of adequate provision of food, clothing, shelter and medical treatment.
  • Lack of schooling results in missing educational qualifications and higher skills thus perpetuating their life in poverty.
  • Competition of children with adult workers leads to depressing wages and salaries.
Apart from the above, lack of opportunity for higher education for older children deprives the nation of developing higher skills and technological capabilities that are required for economic development/transformation to attain higher income and better standards of living.

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                                         there is no reason                                           there is no excuse                  ...